Calculate your CO₂ savings
Enter the distance to travel and we will calculate an estimate of CO₂ Emissions for the different modes of transport.
Kg CO₂
Traditionnal road transport
Kg CO₂
Combined rail-road promodal
Kg CO₂ économisé
In this example, you make a net saving of 300 Kg of CO₂ thanks to Promodal’s Rail-Road Combination
For a more precise assessment, please contact our teams.
* According to data from ADEME's Base Carbone, CNG emits 6% less CO₂ than Diesel, and bioGNV emits 80% less CO₂ than Diesel (from well to wheel). ADEME publishes the following values:
• Diesel: 3,16 kgCO₂/litre
• GNC: 2,96 kgCO₂/kg
• bioGNC: 0,61 kgCO₂/kgExemples :
For a GO tractor that makes30 L/100 km : 30/100 x 3,16 kgCO₂ (FE du GO) = 948 gCO₂/km
For a CNG tractor that makes27 kg/100 km : 27/100 x 2,96 kgCO₂/kg (FE du GNC) = 799,2 gCO₂/km
For a BioNG tractor that makes27 kg/100 km : 27/100 x 0,61 kgCO₂/kg (FE du bioGNC) = 164,7 gCO₂/km
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Discover the combined rail-road with Promodal